Accueil de « Liebestod »


mise en scène Angélica Liddell

: Presentation

By bringing together revolutionary Andalusian torero Juan Belmonte and the music of Richard Wagner, Angélica Liddell gives voice to the origins of her theatre, to what she calls "a history of my roots, of my depths". 'Liebestod' is the third part of the series Histoire(s) du Théâtre at NTGent - a performative investigation of the oldest art form.

More than an art, bullfighting was for Juan Belmonte a spiritual exercise, elevating emotions into an infinite space, into eternity. This ceaseless research for tragic beauty, an attempt to communicate directly with the sacred, is present as much in the work of the bullfighter as on Angélica Liddell’s stage.

“I’m always looking for the sublime moment, for transfiguration, for overflowing enthusiasm, for radiance and light, this lyrical transport which takes place when one loves”, Angélica Lidell says. Liebestod is therefore much more than an epic of bullfighting; the show becomes an offering, “it’s the work of a woman in love, a mortal woman. It’s also an immolation”.

Juan Belmonte (1892-1962), the "divine stutterer" from the Triana district of Seville, is considered the creator of spiritual torero. He lived obsessed with the death of of Joselito in the bullring. His phrase "We fight as we are" sums up his philosophy. His suicide tells us about the feeling of "no longer being able to live" that Emil Cioran describes in On the Heights of Despair.

Liebestod, the title of the climax of Richard Wagner’s 1865 opera Tristan und Isolde, literally means “love death”. The composer wrote the music for his own poetic rewriting of the medieval Celtic legend. The word 'Liebestod' refers to the theme of the eroticism of death or of “love till death”, with the idea that the consummation of the couple’s love takes place in death, or even after it.

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